70 Using the Software on the Macintosh Platform – Advanced Techniques

Adding New Data to the My Camera Window

Create a new image or sound file and add it to the My Camera window.

• Adding Image and Sound Files After Creating Them

Create an Original Start-up Image File and then Add It

Start by using an image editing program to create the image file that will become the start-up image and save it to the computer.

1Click the [File] menu in the ImageBrowser Main Window and select [Canon Camera] and [My camera].

The My Camera window will display.



Select the [Start-up Image] in Type.

Click [Add].



Add Button Adds images and sound files for use as settings files. Added files display in the list.

Connect to Camera Button

Connects to the camera.

Select the file you created and click [Open].

This concludes the process for adding new data.

To connect to the camera, click [Connect to Camera].

You can add the settings files you just added to the computer to the camera using the same procedures as in "Saving the My Camera Settings to the Camera" (p. 69).