Add an Original Sound File

Change the file to a WAV sound file after you have copied the sound file to the computer. Then proceed with the steps as described in Create an Original Start-up Image File and then Add It.

•Use settings like those below when creating an image file for the startup image with an image editing program.

Compression Method

: JPEG (Baseline JPEG)

Data Sampling

: 4:2:0 or 4:2:2

Pixels (w x h)

: 320 x 240 pixels

•Use settings like those below when creating a sound file with a sound

recording program.


Compression Method

: WAV (Monaural)

Quantifying Bits

: 8 bit

Sampling Frequency

: 11.025 kHz or 8.000 kHz

Use the following lengths as guidelines for the length of sound file that can be saved to the camera.


Duration in Seconds



11.025 kHz

8.000 kHz





Start-Up Sound

1.0 sec. or less

1.3 sec. or less




Shutter Sound

0.3 sec. or less

0.4 sec. or less




Operation Sound

0.3 sec. or less

0.4 sec. or less




Self-Timer Sound

2.0 sec. or less

2.0 sec. or less