Cautions When Using this Waterproof, Dustproof, and Shock Resistant Camera

•Rinse off the camera if there is liquid or sand on it after use. The liquid may soil or corrode the camera, and wiping the camera when sand is on it may scratch it.
•After using the camera under water (especially in the ocean) or in sandy or dirty environments, promptly rinse it well under
fresh water, such as tap water no warmer than 30 °C (86 °F).
Foreign material or salty residue on the camera may corrode metal parts or cause buttons to stick.
•After washing the camera, dry it completely by wiping it with a soft, dry cloth. After
washing and drying the camera, make sure the buttons and covers do not stick when pressed or opened and closed.
•To avoid damaging the waterproof seals and causing leaks, keep the seals free of sand or other foreign material, and do not apply chemicals or grease to the seals.

•Scratches or cracks in the waterproof seals could cause damage or leaks. Contact the closest Canon Customer Support Help Desk for immediate repair. The waterproof seal will be replaced on a chargeable basis.