Trigonometry Calculations
Before using the trigonometric functions (except hyperbolic calculations), select the appropriate angle
unit (Deg/ Rad/ Gra) by .
90o = Radians = 100 Gradients. (Example #12)
Permutation, Combination, Factorials and Random Number Generation• Permutation : nPr = (Example #13)
• Combination : nCr = (Example #13)
• Factorial | : x! = |
: To generate a random number between 0.000 and 0.999.
: To generate a random number between two specified positive integers. The entry is divided by " , ".
* The value is show in Ex. #14 only a sample, results will differ each time.
Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common DivisorLCM: Calculate the least common multiple among
(maximum) three positive integers.
GCD: Calculate the greatest common divisor among (maximum) three positive integers. (Example #15)
Quotient & Remainder
"Quotient" (Q) is the result of a division problem, "Remainder" (r ) is the value left in an integer division problem.
The calculated quotient value (Q) and remainder value
(r)will be stored into memory variables "C" and "D" automatically assigned. (Example #16)
!Only Quotient Value (Q) can continue to be used for the next calculation or being stored into memory variables.