Installation Options:
•To use the machine as a local printer via USB connection, proceed to .
•To use the machine as a network printer, proceed to .
To Use the Machine as a Local Printer (USB Connection)
•Do not connect the USB cable before installing the software. If you connect the USB cable before installing the soft- ware and the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears, click [Cancel] and disconnect the USB cable.
•For Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003, log on as Administrator to install the software.
•The screenshots below are from Windows XP. However, the installation procedure is essentially the same for other versions of Windows.
1Turn on your computer.
2Quit any open applications, including
3Insert the User Software CD into the
4When the MF Setup screen appears, click [USB Connection].
•If the MF Setup screen is not displayed, on the Windows desktop,
click [start] ➝ [My Computer]. Open the
5Click [Install Drivers].
•If you would like to install the Presto! PageManager file management software and/or OmniPage SE OCR software, click [Install Applications] and follow the instructions on the screen.
•You can also click [Read Manuals] on this screen to read PDF manuals.
6Click [Install MF Drivers].