Quick Start
Select Execute from the menu bar, then select Link Manager and select Start Link
Note: A shortcut is to just click on the start icon.
To stop the download, select Execute then Link Manager Stop, or press the Stop key,
the fifth icon from the left under the Download/Upload Utility menu.
After the files are sent, close the Download/Upload Utility to return to the Twin Client
Configuration Utility main screen and proceed.
The PowerNet Twin Client startup screen is displayed on the terminal as follows.
Note: The date of 2006 is updated on the terminal at the time of a new release.
The terminal is now ready to establish a telnet session with the Host system.
Configuring the Terminal for Download
The terminal is prepared for the addition of Twin Client by booting to command mode,
and setting the serial port parameters as described in this section. This simple procedure
is described in the following sections, and requires only a few minutes to complete.
Twin Client
© 1991-2006 Connect,
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Supported Equipment Manual
March, 2006