4.Use [] and [] to select the setting you want, and then press [SET].

To do this:

Select this:



Resize to 1280 x 960 pixels (SXGA)

1280 x 960



Resize to 640 x 480 pixels (VGA)

640 x 480



Cancel the resizing operation





Resizing an image creates a new file that contains the image in the size you select. The file with the original image also remains in memory.

Images smaller than 640 x 480 pixels cannot be resized.

An image recorded using the 2304 x 1536 (3:2) pixel size cannot be resized.

Note that you can resize snapshots recorded with this camera only.

If the message “This function is not supported for this file.” appears, it means that the current image cannot be resized.

The resize operation cannot be performed if there is not enough memory to store the resized image.

Resizing an image that has been trapezoid corrected (page 88) causes the corrected data to be resized and saved to a new file.