Example of specifications of storage destination directory name
Specification of root directory D:
Specification of sub-directory D: TEST BIN
Incorrect specification D: TEST
If the host (reception) side has a file with the identical name, this command will forcibly overwrite
that file. However, this overwrite operation is not unconditional. This command first creates a
temporary file on the disk of the host, then it overwrites the file after the transmission has been
completed. This is a safety measure to protect the original file from, for example, a file transmission
failure. Accordingly, if the host side has a file with the identical name, there must be enough space
on the disk to store the host-side transmission file. If there may not be sufficient disk space, files on
the host side should be deleted in advance or the file delete command (on page 204) on the
transmission side should be used to delete files on the host side.
Example of specifications
D: TEST2 This specification transfers all files that are in "A: TEST" of the
terminal and that have a "DAT" extension to "D:TEST2 " on
the host.
D: TEST2 This specification transfers all files that are in "A: TEST"
(including sub-directories) of the terminal and that have a "DAT"
extension to "D: TEST2 " on the host.