Monitor Screen Contents
The monitor screen uses various indicators, icons, and values to keep you informed of the camera’s status.
•The sample screens in this section are intended to show you the locations of all the indicators and figures that can appear on the monitor screen in various modes. They do not represent screens that actually appear on the camera.
.Snapshot Recording
cr | bl | |
cq | bm | |
bn | ||
cp | ||
bo | ||
co | ||
bp | ||
| ||
| bq | |
| br | |
cn | cmboclckbtbs |
1Remaining snapshot memory capacity (page 174)
2Movie image quality (page 80)
4Recording mode (page 23)
5White balance setting (page 81)
6Remaining movie memory capacity (page 51)
7Image deterioration indicator (page 47)
8Metering mode (page 82)
9Snapshot image size (page 32) bkSnapshot image quality (page 79) blFlash (page 35)
bmFocus (page 37) bnAF Area (page 40) boISO sensitivity (page 42)
brExposure compensation (page 45) bsDate/time (page 46) btTimestamp indicator (page 143) ckShutter speed
clAperture value
cmFocus frame (pages 24, 41) cnBattery level indicator (page 16) coHistogram (page 149)
cpAnti Shake (page 73) cqAuto shutter (page 69) crFocus mode (page 37)
•If the current aperture, shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, or Auto Exposure is not correct, the setting will turn orange when you