E Series 1200 Basic Setup
company input and the CVT combiner. This prevents the CVT signal from propagating back up the input line.
3102 Filter
Channel Vision
Cable or
RF Out
Satellite Receiver
To TV's
Another way to prevent leakage from your system is to cap all unused coax cable ports on you network with appropriate terminators.
Bandpass filters stop unwanted frequencies while passing all others along. They're handy if a channel you want to use for a CVT source is already in use.
Taps are used to redirect a portion of a signal from the "main" trunk line while passing the remaining signal strength through. For example, a 12dBmV tap would pass 29dBmV from a 30dBmV trunk line signal and pass the remaining 18dBmV to a branch line. (Minor signal loss of 1dB would occur in the trunk line leaving 29dBmV.)
Demodulators are used to demodulate the output of a cable box converter, making it possible to assign the cable signal to any channel (cable boxes usually limit your choices to channel three or channel four). Use a demodulator to "condition" the cable signal before assigning it to a CVT input line.
FCC Regulations – the Cable TV Act
“Cable home wiring” is the cable wiring located inside a Cable TV sub- scriber’s home or apartment that has been installed by a cable operator or its contractor. It does not include such items as amplifiers, converters, decoder boxes or remote control units.
After a subscriber voluntarily terminates cable service, the cable operator may take one of two action:
1.Leave the home wiring in place.
2.Notify the consumer that it will remove the wiring unless the consumer purchases it from the cable operator on a
placement cost basis.
If the wiring was previously transferred or sold to the subscriber, the sub- scriber owns it; and the cable company cannot remove it or restrict its use, regardless of the reason for service termination.
If the subscriber does not already own the wiring and declines to purchase it from the cable operator, the cable operator may remove the home wiring within 30 days of the subscriber’s refusal. The cable company must re- move the wiring at no charge to the subscriber, and must pay the cost of any damage caused by removing the wiring.
To leave the wiring inside and remove the wiring outside a subscriber’s home, a cable operator may, for single unit dwellings, sever the cable ap- proximately 12 inches outside the point where the cable enters the outside wall of the subscriber’s home.
For multiple unit dwellings, the cable operator may sever the wire approxi- mately 12 inches outside the point where the cable enters the subscriber’s individual dwelling unit, except in cases of
If the cable company fails to remove the wiring within 30 days of the sub- scriber’s refusal to purchase it, the cable operator forfeits its right to the wiring and may not remove it or restrict its use at any later time.
A cable operator will not be held responsible for any signal leakage that occurs from the home wiring once the cable operator ceases providing service over that wiring.
Video Level Adjustment: Adjust the incoming video source base band level. Use only to increase brightness and balance the channels for consistent contrast.
Channel Up/Down: Changes the modulated channel. Press and hold Select for 2 seconds or until front light blinks to allow channel up/down to work.
Channel | Push | Channel | Push | Channel | Push | Channel | Push |
Cable/UHF |
| Cable/UHF |
| Cable/UHF |
| Cable/UHF |
65/14 | Factory Preset | 80/29 | Up 15 | Not Used | 118/61 | Down 18 | |
66/15 | Up 1 | 81/30 | Up 16 | 100/43 | Down 36 | 119/62 | Down 17 |
67/16 | Up 2 | 82/31 | Up 17 | 101/44 | Down 35 | 120/63 | Down 16 |
68/17 | Up 3 | 83/32 | Up 18 | 102/45 | Down 34 | 121/64 | Down 15 |
69/18 | Up 4 | 84/33 | Up 19 | 103/46 | Down 33 | 122/65 | Down 14 |
70/19 | Up 5 | 85/34 | Up 20 | 104/47 | Down 32 | 123/66 | Down 13 |
71/20 | Up 6 | 86/35 | Up 21 | 105/48 | Down 31 | 124/67 | Down 12 |
72/21 | Up 7 | 87/36 | Up 22 | 106/49 | Down 30 | 125/68 | Down 11 |
73/22 | Up 8 | 88/37 | Up 23 | 107/50 | Down 29 | 126/69 | Down 10 |
74/23 | Up 9 | 89/38 | Up 24 | 108/51 | Down 28 | 127/70 | Down 9 |
75/24 | Up 10 | 90/39 | Up 25 | 109/52 | Down 27 | 128/71 | Down 8 |
76/25 | Up 11 | 91/40 | Up 26 | 110/53 | Down 26 | 129/72 | Down 7 |
77/26 | Up 12 | 92/41 | Up 27 | 111/54 | Down 25 | 130/73 | Down 6 |
78/27 | Up 13 | 93/42 | Up 28 | 112/55 | Down 24 | 131/74 | Down 5 |
79/28 | Up 14 | 94/43 | Up 29 | 113/56 | Down 23 | 132/75 | Down 4 |
| 114/57 | Down 22 | 133/76 | Down 3 |
| 115/58 | Down 21 | 134/77 | Down 2 |
| 116/59 | Down 20 | 135/78 | Down 1 |
| 117/60 | Down 19 |
Channel up and down buttons are in increments of one. The
System Installation Checklist
1.Try for 10dB of signal strength at each television. Use a little more for big screen TV's. Remember, Uncle Sam doesn't like more than 15.5dB of signal going into any TV.