Periodiccleaningofthisgrillisnecessary, asgrillfirescanoccurwhengreaseand fooddebriscollectinthebottomofthegrill. Aftereachuse,removeanyremaining foodparticlesfromthecookinggrateand insideofthegrillusingagrillbrushDo. thisafterthegrillhascooleddown,yetis stillwarm.Itismucheasiertocleanfood
particleswhilewarmthisstillpresent,than afterthefoodparticleshavecompletely cooledandhardenedThisgrillisnot. designedtobe'burnedoff'byclosingthe lidandturningtheburnersonHighforan extendedtime.Theexcessiveheat
generatedcancauseleftovergreaseto catchfire,andcancausepermanent damagetoyourgrill.
Plastic parts: Wash with warm soapy water and wipe dry. Do not use abrasive cleaners, degreasers or a concentrated grill cleaner on plastic parts. Damage to and failure of parts can result.
Porcelain surfaces: Because of
Painted surfaces: Wash with mild detergent or
Stainless steel surfaces: Stainless steel can rust under certain conditions. This can be caused by environmental conditions such as chlorine or salt water, or improper
cleaning tools such as wire or steel wool. It can also discolor due to heat, chemicals, or grease
Cooking surfaces: If a bristle brush is used to clean any of the grill cooking surfaces, ensure no loose bristles remain on cooking surfaces prior to grilling. It is not recommended to clean cooking surfaces while grill is hot.
Storing Your Grill
•Clean cooking grates.
•Store grill in dry location.
•When LP cylinder is connected to grill, store outdoors in a well ventilated space and out of reach of children.
•Cover grill if stored outdoors. Choose from a variety of grill covers offered by manufacturer.
•Store grill indoors ONLY if LP cylinder is turned off, disconnected, and removed from grill. Never store LP cylinder indoors.
•When removing grill from storage, follow the 'Cleaningthe BurnerAssembly'instructions in the Use and Care section of the Product Guide.
Spiders like to make their homes in the venturi tubes of grills. These must be inspected and cleaned regularly to ensure there are no blockages. Refer to the Use and Care portion of this Product Guide for complete information.