TFX-950CM User Manual 4 Revision: 2006-01-20/16:37



2-4 channel DMX RGB color wash fixture
Operating modes:
RGB Mode: Full RGB mix plus dimmer (4 channels)
C&B Mode: Color selection (40 presets) and dimmer (2 channels)
RGB & Chase Mode: 7 distinct operating modes (4 channels)
- RGB mix, 8-pattern auto, 8-pattern sound, auto-chase, sound-chase, 40-color auto or sound
Individual channel controls may include;
- Red 0-100%, color selection or mode select
- Green or Red 0-100%, dimmer 0-100%
- Blue or Green 0-100%, fade time
- Dimmer 0-100%, speed time
900 watts of total brightness
Built in beat activated and automatic programs (stand-alone)
Barn doors
Sound sensitivity knob
Double bracket yoke doubles as floor stand
Linkable via Master/Slave
Fan cooled

DMX Channel Summary

RGB Mode
Channel Function
1 Red
2 Green
3 Blue
4 Dimmer
C&B (Color & Brightness) Mode
Channel Function
1 Color Selection
2 Dimmer
Combined RGB & Chase Mode
Channel Function
1 Control Mode
2 Red or Dimming
3 Green or Fade
4 Blue or Speed
For complete channel listing see DMX Values in the Appendix section.