Cisco 7204 Installation and Configuration Guide
This section explains the objectives, intended au dience, and organization of the Cisco 7204 Installation
and Configuration Guide, and defines the conventions used to convey instructions and information.
Document Objectives
This installation guide explains the initial hardware installation and basic configuration procedures for
the Cisco 7204 router. It contains procedures for unpacking and installing the rou te r har dware , star t ing
up the router, and creating a basic software configuration fil e. After complet ing the installatio n and basic
configuration procedures covered in this guide, you will then use the appropriate compan ion
publications to more completely configure your system.
For comprehensive descriptions and examples of software configuration commands and the procedures
for implementing them, refer to the related software configuration and reference docum entation listed in
the section Related Documentation section on pagexiii .
To use this publication, you should be familiar with Cisco router hardware and cabling, electronic
circuitry and wiring practices, and preferab ly h ave experi en ce a s an e lec t ron ic or el e ctr om ec han ic al
Document Organization
This installation guide is organized into the following chapters and appendix.