preferred contact | Allows you to specify the medium through which you want to contact others and |
method | be contacted by others, such as phone or |
presence | See reachability. |
profile | Information about you that is stored in the |
| Cisco Unified Personal Communicator system, such as which preferences you |
| have set. |
| In the context of web conferencing, profile refers to your user account for |
| Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express. |
The availability status of a Cisco Unified Personal Communicator user, such as Available, Busy, or Away. This status displays to other users of
Cisco Unified Personal Communicator, who can use it to determine the best time and method to contact people.
The system can determine your reachability by detecting when you are using your computer or phone, or you can set your reachability status.
soft phone
web conference
Software that functions as a telephone. Cisco Unified Personal Communicator includes a soft phone.
A Cisco Unified Personal Communicator feature that lets you display documents and applications on your computer to conversation participants.
| User Guide for Cisco Unified Personal Communicator for Windows, Release 1.1 |