Inspect aerator before each use
Do not use aerator if any parts are not maintained in good operating condition. Examine the moving parts prior each use. Look for excessive wear, bald drive tires or worn out front tires, cracks in parts, loose or missing bolts, cotter, lynch, or hair pins and replace before operating the aerator.
How to Start the Aerator
•Turn the ignition switch to the “On” position.
•Turn the choke on (if engine is cold).
•Pull engine rope until it starts.
•Turn the choke off once it’s running smoothly.
•Immediately step onto the foot platform after the engine is running.
Unusual Noises or Irregular Operation
As you drive the aerator listen for any unusual noises and test for irregular operation and adjust or service as necessary.
How to Drive the Aerator
You must stand on the aerator foot platform for the aerator to move. Move the throttle speed to the desired speed. Once you are standing on the foot platform, and the engine is set at the desired speed, push both control handles away from you to go forward, and pull them both towards you to go backwards. To turn right pull the right control handle. To turn left pull the left control handle. Let go of both the control handles to bring the machine to idle position.
unit. Refill the reservoir as necessary. Check for any fluid leaks, and check the reservoir level. Add fluid if necessary. The transmission is now ready for operation. Check the reservoir daily for proper fluid level. It should be filled to the top, or about 4 quarts.
•(3) CLASSEN® decals located on front bumper and on both sides of frame.
•(1) DANGER decal located on left side pulley guard.
•(1) ALL GUARDS decal located on right side pulley guard.
•(1) TINE DEPTH decal located on front left of machine.
•(1) R.H. FORWARD/REVERSE decal located on right upper side of handle.
•(1) L.H. FORWARD/REVERSE decal located on left upper side of handle.
•(1) THROTTLE FAST/SLOW decal located on lower right side of handle.
•(1) SERIAL TAG located on lower left inside of handle.
•(1) LUBRICATION TAG twist tied to engine.
•(1) TINES decal located on upper left side of handle.
P/N 100074
Tire Maintenance and Pressure
Excessively worn tire tread is dangerous on all hills. Replace drive tires with less than 3/32” of any tread groove left. Use only tires supplied by Classen. All six tires are foam filled and do not hold air. You will not need to check air pressure.
How to Bleed Air from the Hydraulic System
When any of the hydraulic parts are disconnected or removed or when the oil is changed, air must be bled from the system. With the bypass valve (brass nut on each of the hydraulic pumps with a hole in the middle) closed, slowly move the control handles in both the forward and reverse directions. As air is purged from the unit, the oil level in the reservoir will drop and bubbles may appear in the fluid. Refill the reservoir as necessary.
Place the control handles in the neutral position and open the bypass valve using a 5/8” wrench. Slowly move the control handles in both the forward and reverse directions to purge the air from the closed circuit.
Close the bypass valve and run the unit in both directions for several minutes, until any remaining air is purged from the
P/N 100380
P/N 100096 |
| P/N 100350 | P/N 100069 | |||
P/N 100421 |
| P/N 100422 | P/N 100423 | P/N 100424 | ||
P/N 100425 | P/N 100073 | P/N 100055 |
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