Connecting Cables
All power connections to your CobraMarine™ Power Inverter must be Positive To Positive and Negative To Negative.
CAUTION Electrical installations must meet local and national wiring codes, and should be performed by a qualified electrician.
CAUTION Do not connect the inverter and another AC source (such as a generator or utility power) to the AC wiring at the same time. The inverter will be damaged if its output is connected to AC voltage from another source. Damage can even occur if the inverter is switched Off.
CAUTION Do not connect the inverter to an AC branch circuit that has high- power consumption loads. It will not operate electric heaters, air conditioners, stoves, and other electrical appliances that consume more than 1500 watts.
CAUTION Loose connectors result in excessive voltage drop and may cause overheated wires and melted insulation.
CAUTION Reverse polarity connections (positive to negative) will blow internal fuses in the inverter and may permanently damage the unit. Such damage is not covered by the warranty.
CAUTION We recommend a main fuse in the battery’s positive cable to protect against DC wiring short circuits (external to the inverter). The fuse should be as close to the battery as possible. We recommend a Buss Fuse
CAUTION Remove any jewelry (watch, ring, etc.). Be careful not to short circuit the battery with any metallic object (wrench, etc.).
10 English
Connecting Cables
WARNING If you are making a permanent AC connection to the inverter, make sure that the AC wiring steps are performed before any DC wiring is done. (DC
WARNING 115 volt AC power is potentially lethal. Do not work on AC wiring when it is connected to the inverter (even if it is switched Off) unless the DC power source is physically disconnected from the inverter. Also, do not work on AC wiring if it is connected to another AC power source such as a generator or the utility line.
WARNING You may observe a spark when making the connection because current can flow to charge the capacitors in the inverter. Do not make this connection in the presence of flammable fumes. Explosion or fire may result. Thoroughly ventilate the battery compartment before making this connection.
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