Making Life Easier and Safer

MicroTalk 2-Way Radios Can Make Life

Easier and Safer

As you become familiar with your MicroTalk
Radio you will find many of your own uses for
the unit.
Some suggestions include:


2-Way Radios

Can Make

Life Easier

and Safer

1. Talking with fellow
hikers. 2. Keeping track
of the kids in a
shopping mall.
MicroTalk Range

MicroTalk Range

Your Mi c ro Talk Radio has a range of up to2 miles.
This effective range can be shortened under
some conditions.
To achieve maximum
range the auto squelch
can be ove r ri d d e n .
Re fer to Maximum
Range Extender sect i o n
on page 15.


1. Under flat,o pe n
conditions you will
ex pe ri e n ce the
Mi c ro Ta l k’s maxi-
mum ra n g e.
2. Range can be
re d u ced by buildings
and foliage in the
p ath of the signal.
3. Range will be
f u rther re d u ced by
dense foliage and
hilly te rra i n .
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