To Download & Install The Photo Viewer Software From Our
Web Site:
a)Create a folder on your desktop before downloading the file from our website. To create a folder on your desktop, go to your desktop and RIGHT click on your mouse. A set of menus will appear. Select “New” and then “Folder” (you will notice a new folder will appear on your desktop), give it a name, example DP161.
b)Click on the below link and select “Download”.
c)Click on your Photo Key Chain Version to start the Download. The version is listed on the back of the Photo Key Chain (161SX, DPKEY or 161MP.
d)After clicking on your version, you will prompt with a
e)Another screen will prompt you to save the file on your computer. Save the file on your “Desktop”, in the “DP161” folder and select “Save”.
f)Once the download is completed, go to your desktop.
g)To install the Photo Viewer software,
h)After the installation. The Photo Viewer Software icon will appear on your desktop.