Disc Requirements
This DVD player supports playback of the fo llowing discs.
Type Disc Mark Content Type Disc Size Max. Playback T ime
DVD-Video Discs Audio + Video
(moving picture) 12 cm
133 min (SS-SL)
242 min (SS-DL)
266 min (DS-SL)
484 min (DS-DL)
Audio Compact Discs (CDs) Audio 12 cm 74 min
JPEG CDs -- Still Picture 12 cm --
This unit can play back C D-R and CD- RW discs that contain JPEG picture les. Di scs not listed
above are not supported by this unit (eg, PC CD- ROM, CD-Extra, C D-G, CD-I, etc.)
Disc Care and Maintenance
Optical discs (DVDs, CDs) contain high -density compressed d ata and need proper handling.
Handling a Disc
Hold a DVD/ CD by it s ed ges. Avoid touch-
ing the recorded sid e of t he disc. To remove
a DVD/CD from its storage case, press down
on the center retention mechanism of the case
and lift the disc out.
Do not subjec t discs to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, high humid ity, or high tem-
Do not bend or press discs.
To reduce the ri sk of scratche s, always put discs back in their cas e after use. Store discs
vertically in a cabinet.
Do not place stickers or labels on either s ide of a disc.
Cleaning a Disc
Use a dry, soft cloth to wip e off any n gerprints and dusts from the playing surface of the disc .
Wipe in a straight line radially from the center to the outsi de edge of the disc. Small dust particles
and light stains will not affect playbac k quality.
Never use chemicals such as record sprays, anti-static sprays, benzene, or thinne rs to clean
a disc. Doing so will damage the surfac e of the disc permanently.