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Item DescriptionV-Chip Lock Turn the V-Chip Lock controls On or Off.Parent Guide Set TV rating restrictions: TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA.MPAA Set Movie rating restrictions: G, PG, PG13, R, NC17, X, NR.Change PINChange the V-Chip Lock password. You will need to enter the old password rst to access this option. DO NOT FORGET THE PASS -WORD; this password cannot be reset .
Parent Guide Options ( TV Rating)
TV broadcasts includ e a signal that c lassies the content s of the program. When the TV R ating
control is set, TV broadcasts that have be en classied with a higher rating wi ll be blocked.
TV-Y: All children
TV-Y7: For children aged 7 and above
TV-G: General Audience
TV-PG: Parental Guidance suggested
TV-14: Not intended for ages under 14
TV-MA: For mature audiences only (hig hest rating).
The TV broadcast rating may include the fo llowing sub-categorie s:
D: Suggestive dialogue
L: Indecent language
S: Sexual situations
V: Violence
FV: Fantasy Violence
All: Includes all of the categories above.
MPAA Options (Movie Rati ng)
Movie broadcasts include a signal that classies the contents of the program. When the Movie Rat-
ing control is set, movie broadcasts that have be en classied with a higher rating wi ll be blocked.
NR: No Restrictions (lowest rating)
G: General Audience
PG: Parental Guidance suggested
PG-13: Not intended for ages under 13
R: Restricted
NC-17: Not intended for ages under 17
X: For adults only (highest rating).