1-6 English
Writer: M. Silvetti Saved by: Marianne Silvetti Saved date: 06/24/98 4:36 PM
Pages: 14 Words: 2440 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\working\comm.dot
File Name BCH1_EN.doc Part Number 308012-001
Operating the MonitorFront Panel Controls
No./Icon Control Function
1Horizontal Position Moves screen left or right.
2Vertical Position Moves screen up or down.
3Horizontal Size Adjusts the horizontal screen width.
4Vertical Size Adjusts the vertical screen height.
5 Minus Controls degree of adjustment to functions.
6Plus Controls degree of adjustment to functions.
7Pincushion Straightens vertical lines if the picture has
pincushion or barrel distortion.
8Trapezoid Corrects trapezoid distortion. Adjusts the width of
the upper side of the image to equal the lower side.
9Brightness Adjusts screen brightness.