Installing Drivers for Linux 7-3
Compaq Confidential – Need to Know Required
Writer: Liz M. Weiman Project: Compaq StorageWorks 64-Bit/66-MHz Fibre Channel Host Adapter Installation Guide Comments:
Part Number: 122833-002 File Name: h-ch7 Installing Drivers for Linux.doc Last Saved On: 12/14/00 2:25 PM
2. From the Compaq System Utilities screen, select Create Support
3. From the Diskette Builder screen, select Create Support Software
4. Scroll through the list and select Linux.
5. Follow the instructions on the screen to create and label the diskettes.
Installing Linux Fibre Channel Driver forRed Hat 6.2NOTE: The FC-AL driver (cpqfc.o) will install on all servers using the Compaq
StorageWorks 64-Bit/66-MHz Fibre Channel Host Adapter.
To install the fibre channel driver, follow the instructions below:
1. Insert the floppy disk containing the drive and type the following
instructions into the command screen:
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt /floppy
2. Type cp cpqfc.o /lib/modules/*/scsi
NOTE: The asterisk denotes the kernal version number 2.2.14-5
3. Type cd /lib/modules/*/scsi and press Enter.
4. Type insmod cpqfc.o and Press enter.
Depending on your configuration, driver may requireup to thirty seconds to
To create a file system:
1. At the /root directory prompt, type mke2fs /dev/sdb and press Enter.
Answer Yes to the question that appears.
2. Make a directory at the /root prompt by typing mkdir /(your directory name)
and press Enter.
3. At the /root prompt, type mount /dev/sdb /(your directory name)
Repeat this step for each volume or logical drive ( the next volume will be sdc,
sdd, sde...).