Switch cover and keyboard
Description Spare part number
Switch cover (includes wireless button board and cable, power button board and cable, and num lock
LED board and cable)
For use in: Spare part number For use in: Spare part number
Denmark, Finland, and Norway 462383-DH1 Saudi Arabia 462383-171
France 462383-051 Spain 462383-071
French Canada 462383-121 Turkey 462383-141
Germany 462383-041 The United Kingdom 462383-031
Italy 462383-061 The United States 462383-001
The Netherlands 462383-B31
Before removing the switch cover and keyboard, follow these steps:
1.Shut down the computer. If you are unsure whether the computer is off or in Hibernation, turn the
computer on, and then shut it down through the operating system.
2.Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.
3.Disconnect the power from the computer by first unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet and
then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.
4.Remove the battery (see Battery on page 34).
46 Chapter 4 Removal and replacement procedures