You can receive the latest informa- tion on your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC, as well as special offers on Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC accessories and software, by reg- istering with Compaq online at http://www.compaq.com/register or by completing and mailing the Register Now* card included in the shipping box.
*Not available in all countries
Set Up Your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC
To set up your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC
1Turn on the battery
2Personalize your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC (see page 6)
3Set up synchronization (see page 6)
Turn on the battery
Before you set up your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC, turn on the bat- tery.
CAUTION: For synchronization to work properly, install Microsoft ActiveSync 3.5 before you first connect your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC to your com- puter.
Your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC is shipped with a charge on the bat- tery. You may want to ensure that it is fully charged before synchroniz- ing.
1With the stylus, open the On/Off door at the bottom of your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC
2Move the On/Off switch to the On position at the left
3Close the On/Off door