Index-ii Quick Setup & User’s Guide
Fingerprint Identification Technology 6-15
formatting a MultiBay hard drive 2-3
front panel components 6
handle 2
hard drive 3-1
MultiBay 2-1, 2-3
partitioning and formatting 2-3
hard drive, removing and replacing internal 3-8
headphone connector 6
installing the operating system 7
internal hard drive 3-1
accessing 4-1
choosing a service provider 4-1
iPAQ Desktop Security Bar 3-1, 6-6, 6-12
keyboard connection 3, 4
keyboard delimiter characters 6-12
keyboard programming 1-1
Legacy Module 2, 4, 5-1
power-on 6
system activity 6
line-in or line-out audio connector 2
memory 3-1
adding or removing modules 3-43-7
specifications 3-4
microphone connector 6
monitor connection 4
mounting holes 6-6, 6-13
mouse connection 3, 4
DriveLock security 6-5, 6-10
hot-plugging or hot-swapping drives 2-2
inserting drives 2-4
partitioning and formatting a hard drive 2-3
removable drives 2-1
removing drives 2-5
security 6-5
MultiBay eject button 6
national keyboard delimiter characters 6-12
network communications
autosensing capabilities 4-3
installing network drivers 4-3
network status lights 4-2
NIC-based alerts 4-2
remote wakeup support 4-2
network interface controller (NIC) connection 4
network service boot 6-2
network status lights, interpreting 4-2
NIC-based alerts 4-2
Blink LED during Energy Save 6-22
calling Compaq 6-24
drive blank 2-4, 2-5
Fingerprint Identification Technology 6-15
keyboard delimiters 6-9, 6-12
language chosen during Setup 7-2
Legacy Module 5-1
memory module installation 3-7
monitor timeouts 6-23
network cables 4-2
network drivers 4-2
power button shutoff 8
power disconnection 6-20
power-on or setup password 6-9, 6-12, 6-13
Prefailure Warranty 6-16
product documentation 7-1
reconfiguring power button 8
Remote ROM Flash 6-19
Remote Security Management 6-20
remote software distribution 6-20
Remote Wakeup 4-2, 6-20 Pageii Wednesday, May30, 2001 9:36AM