Continental Electric CE23551 Before First Use, To Use, Broiling, Toasting, Uso Primer Del Antes

Models: CE23551

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Wash the Wire Rack and Baking Pan in the dishwasher or in a soapy water with a sponge or a soft cloths. Dry thoroughly.

To Use:

1.Plug the Power Cord into a standard 120V AC electrical outlet.

2.Slide the Wire Rack into an appropriate slot inside the oven, depending on the intended setting and temperature. If baking food with liquids/sauces, place the food on the baking pan, and then place the baking pan on the wire rack after the oven is preheated.

3.Remove all plastic and paper from food.

4.Rotate the Function dial to intended setting.

5.Rotate Timer past 20 Minutes and then to the intended setting, or counterclockwise to “Stay On” position.

6.When the food is cooked to your liking before the bell rings, rotate the Timer dial to “0”. Open the Glass Door and remove the Wire Rack / Baking Pan.

7.Unplug the Power Cord from the electrical outlet, and allow it to cool completely.


Always wear protective oven-mitts or heat resistant gloves when using this Toaster Oven.

Do not move the Oven while it is in use. Allow the Oven to cool completely before moving, relocating, and/or cleaning it.

When using the “Stay On” function, the oven will operate continuously. Use the “Stay On” function sparingly and use the Timer whenever possible.

Always leave at least one inch between the food to the top and bottom heating element.

During the first use, the Toaster Oven may emit light smoke and a slight smell. This is normal and it will subside with future use.

The Timer is the On/Off Switch. When turned, the Power-Indicator illuminates and the Oven begins heating.

When the set time elapses, the bell sounds and the heating elements turns off.


The Broil setting is for broiling fish, steak, poultry, pork chops, etc. Only upper heating element heats up.

Baking (With Adjustable Temperature)

The Bake setting is for baking cakes, pies, cookies, poultry, beef, pork, etc. Both the upper and lower heating elements heat up.


The toast setting is for toasting breads, muffins, frozen waffles, pizzas, etc. Both the upper and lower heating elements heat up.

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Continental Electric CE23551 user manual Before First Use, To Use, Broiling, Baking With Adjustable Temperature, Toasting