Beforeproceeding with installation, please read through this manual in its entirety.
Please consult with individual componentmanufactures installation manuals prior
to proceeding.This guide is meant to be used in conjunction with all the other
installation guides foryour components.
Step A: Building a brand new system:(If youare replacing your existing power supply, please go to step B.)
Please makesure the HX1000W is not connected to the AC power cord. Following
the directionsin your chassis manual install the HX1000W in your computer case
with the providedscrews. The main 24-pin power cable on the HX1000W has a
detachable 4-pin mechanism tosupport either a 24-pin or a 20-pin socket on the
motherboard.If your motherboard has a 24-pin socket, you may connect the
24-pinmain power cable from the HX1000W directly to your motherboard. If your
motherboardhas a 20-pin socket, you must detach the 4-pin cable from the 24-pin
connector,and then plug the 20-pin cable onto your motherboard without
connecting the 4-pin connector.
WARNING:The detachable 4-pin from the 24-pin main connector is not a “P4” or “+12V”
connector.Serious damage can be caused if you use it in place of “P4” or “+12V” connector.
The EPS12V 8-pin connectorcan be separated and used as a P4 or ATX 4-pin
connector.If your motherboard is equipped with a P4 connector separate the
EPS12V 8-pin connectorand plug one of the halves into your motherboard. It does
not matterwhich half you choose. If your motherboard has an EPS12V 8-pin socket,
connect the 8-pin cable directlyto your motherboard. Some motherboards have
twoEPS12V connectors. If your motherboard has two EPS12V sockets ensure you
connect both of them. Connectthe modular cables as needed. Inspect the ends of
the modular cables that connectto the power supply and note that blue ended
cables arefor the PCI-E cables and the black ended ones are for peripheral devices
such as case fans, disk drivesand floppy drives.
The HX1000W includes 10 Peripheralcables (4-pin Molex), 6 PCI-Express (6+2 Pin)
cables, and 10 SATAconnectors. Connect SATAor 4-pin Molex connectors to the
harddisk (repeat for additional hard disk drives). Do not connect both a SATA
powerconnector and a 4-pin Molex connector to the same drive unless directed to
do so bythe drive manufacturer. Connect Peripheral or SATAcables to the drives.
The PCI-E connectorssupplied with your HX1000W power supply work with both
6 and 8-pin style video cards.Connect the appropriate PCI-E cable(s) to the power
socketof your PCI-Express video card if required. If your video card requires two
PCI-E connectorsdo not connect a hardwired PCI-E connector and a modular
connectorto the same video card. It is recommended to use either fixed mount
cables or modular cables but not both on the same video card.Connect all
peripheraldevices that require 4-pin Molex connections such as fans, optical drives
and harddisk drives. After you have connected all your devices, you may connect
the other end of the cables to the HX1000W.The blue ended plugs connect to the
blue socketson the power supply and the black connectors attach to the black
socketson the power supply. Please make sure all the cables are fully seated.
Connect the ACpower cord to the HX1000W and turn on the HX1000W by pushing
the switchto the “I” position.