(This page applicable in the U.S.A. and Canada only.)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., U.S.A. (Sears}, the California Air Resources Board (OAF{B)
and the United States EnvironmentaJ Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations)
California and United States Emission Control Defects Warranty Statement | |
The CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard(CARB),U.S.EPAandSearsare pleased | enginefor the periodsof timelistedbelow,providedtherehas beenno abuse, |
to explainthe EmissionControlSystemWarrantyon your modelyear2000 and | neglector impropermaintenanceof your |
sion controlsystemincludespartssuch as thecarburetor,air cleaner,ignition | |
mustbe designed,builtand equippedto | system,mufflerand catalyticconverter.Also includedmaybe connectorsand |
standards.Elsewhereinthe UnitedStates, | otheremissionrelatedassembliesWherea. warrantableconditionexists,Sears |
enginescertifiedfor modelyear 1997and latermustmeetsimilarstandardsset | will repairyour |
forth bythe U.S.EPA.Sears mustwarranttheemissioncontrol systemon your | and labor. |
Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage | |
part onyour engineis defective,the part willbe repairedor replacedbySears. | |
fora periodof oneyear,subjectto provisionsset forth below.Ifany covered |
Owner's Warranty | Responsibilities |
Asthe | provedmodificationsYouare. responsiblefor presentingyour |
therequiredmaintenancelistedinyour Operatingand MaintenanceInstruc- | engineto an AuthorizedSearsService Dealeras soonas a problemexists.The |
tions.Sears recommendsthatyou retain all your receiptscoveringmaintenance undisputedwarrantyrepairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof
on yoursmall | time,notto exceed30 days.Ifyou haveany questionsregardingyourwarranty' |
lackof receiptsorfor yourfailureto ensuretheperformanceof all scheduled | rightsand responsibilities,you shouldcontacta SearsServiceRepresentative |
maintenance.Asthe | at |
awarethat Sears maydenyyou warrantycoverageif your
ora part hasfaileddueto abuse,neglect,impropermaintenanceor unap- | emissiontest. |
| |
Sears Emission | Control | Defects Warranty | Provisions |
Thefollowingare specificprovisionsrelativeto your EmissionControlDefectsWarrantyCoverage.It is in additionto theSearsenginewarrantyfor
1. WarrantedParts | 3. NoCharge |
Coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to the parts listed below(the | Repairor replacementof any WarrantedPartwill be performedat no |
emissioncontrol systemsparts)to the extentthese parts werepresenton | chargeto the owner,includingdiagnosticlabor whichleadsto the |
theengine purchased, | determinationthata WarrantedPartis defective,if the diagnosticwork is |
a. | FuelMeteringSystem |
| performedat an AuthorizedSears ServiceDealer.For emissionswarranty |
| oColdstart enrichmentsystem |
| servicecontact your nearestAuthorizedSears Service Dealeras listed in |
| oCarburetorand internalparts |
| the "YellowPages"under"Engines,Gasoline,""GasolineEngines,""Lawn |
| oFuelPump |
| Mowers,"or similarcategory. |
b. | Air InductionSystem | 4. | Claimsand CoverageExclusions |
| oAir cleaner |
| Warrantyclaimsshall be filed in accordancewiththe provisionsofthe |
| oIntakemanifold |
| Sears EngineWarrantyPolicy.Warrantycoverageshall be excludedfor |
c. | IgnitionSystem |
| failures of WarrantedPartswhichare not originalSears parts or because |
| of abuse, neglector impropermaintenanceas setforth in theSears |
| oSparkplug(s) |
| EngineWarrantyPolicy.Searsis notliable to coverfailuresof Warranted |
| oMagnetoignitionsystem |
| Partscausedby the useof |
d. | CatalystSystem | 5. | Maintenance |
| oCatalyticconverter |
| Any WarrantedPartwhich is notscheduledfor replacementas required |
| oExhaustmanifold |
| maintenanceor which is scheduledonly for regularinspectionto the effect |
| oAir injectionsystemor pulsevalve |
| of repair or replaceas necessary"shall be warrantedas to defectsfor the |
e. | MiscellaneousItemsUsed inAboveSystems |
| warrantyperiod.Any WarrantedPartwhich is scheduledfor replacement |
| oVacuum,temperature,position,timesensitivevalves |
| as requiredmaintenanceshallbe warrantedasto defectsonly for the |
| |
| andswitches |
| periodof time up to the first scheduledreplacementforthat part. Any |
| • Connectorsand assemblies |
| replacementpart that is equivalentin performanceand durabilitymay |
2. Lengthof Coverage |
| be usedin theperformanceof any maintenanceor repairs.The owneris | |
Searswarrantsto the initialownerand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat |
| responsibleforthe performanceof all requiredmaintenance,as definedin | |
theWarrantedParts shall befree from defectsin materialsandworkman- |
| the SearsOperatingandMaintenanceInstructions. | |
ship whichcausedthe failureof the WarrantedPartsfor a periodof one | 6. | ConsequentialCoverage | |
yearfrom the datethe engineis deliveredto a retailpurchaser. |
| Coveragehereundershallextend to thefailure of any engine components | |
| caused bythefailure of anyWarrantedPart still underwarranty. |
Inthe USAand Canada,a 24 hour hotline,