Alwaysstopthe motorandremovekeybeforecleaning,lubricating | Replacementfusemustbea UL listedor recognizedcomponent, | |||
or performingany repairsor maintenanceon the lawnmower,Always | rated40amp,58 volt. Ifmowerblowsfuse,contactyour nearest | |||
wearsafetyglassesduringoperationorwhileperforminganyadjustments | Iauthorizedservicedealerfor repair.Donot useany othertypeor size | |||
orrepairs, |
| _fuse. |
Motorfailsto start | 1. | Keynot in switch | 1. | Insertignitionkey. |
| 2. | Motor/bladecontroldisengaged. | 2. | Depressstarterbutton,andengagemotorbladecontrol. |
| 3. | Batterydischarged. | 3. | Chargebattery. |
4.Mowerdeckcloggedwithgrassanddebris. 4. Unclogmowerdeck. Makecertainbladeis freeto move.
Mowerstopswhilemowing | 1. | Dischargedbattery. | 1. | Chargebattery. |
| 2. | Cuttingtoo muchgrass. | 2. | Raisecuttingheight. |
| 3. | Cloggeddeck. | 3. | Unclogmowerdeck. Raisecuttingheight,orcut a |
| narrowerswath. |
| 4. | Circuitbreakerresetbuttonis tripped. | 4. | Resetthe circuitbreakerresetbuttonfollowingthe |
| instructionsinthe Serviceand Maintenancesectionof |
| thismanual. |
Excessivevibration | 1. | Cuttingbladeloose. | 1. | Tightenbladebolt. |
| 2. | Cuttingbladeunbalanced. | 2. | Balancebladefollowingthe instructionsin the Service |
| and Maintenancesectionof thismanual. |
| 3. | Bentcuttingblade. | 3. | Replaceblade. |
| 4. | Bentmotorshaft. | 4. | ContactnearestSearsServiceCenter. |
Mowerwill not mulchgrass 1. Mowerdeckclogged.
2. Wetgrass.
3. Excessivelyhighgrass.
1.Unclogmowerdeck. Makecertainbladeis freeto move.
2.Donot mowwhengrassis wet;wait untillaterto cut.
3.Mowonceat a highcuttingheight,thenmowagainat desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingswath(1/2 width).
| , | Sharpenor replaceblade. |
| |
Unevencut | 1. Sharpenor replaceblade. |
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