KX-160 Keyboard Amplifier
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 11 |
| 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 10 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
1:Insert jack allows the capacity to patch into the
line in and the sleeve being ground. | cuitry reduces the unwanted noise associated with most external |
2: +10dB Input jack accepts a standard 1/4” phone plug, but is | effects devices. This output can be connected to the line input of |
three times more sensitive than the 0dB inputs (#8,10), mainly suit- | your external effects device. |
able for low level signals from electric pianos as well as high level | 17: Effects Loop Return jack can be connected to the line output |
outputs from synthesizers. | of your external effects device. |
3:Gain control sets the gain for each channel independently. 18: Effects Loop Level control is a master volume for the Effects
4: Peak Indicator LED lights when the corresponding input stage | Loop with which you can increase or decrease the amount of effect |
of the each channel is within 10dB of clipping. Adjust the Gain con- | desired. |
trols (#3) until a strong signal from the instrument or signal source | 19: Reverb Footswitch jack may be used to connect the Reverb |
causes this LED to flash. | master circuit to a footswitch on/off unit. |
5: Reverb/Effects Send controls are used to set the amount of | 20: Reverb Level acts as the reverb master control. |
reverb, as well as the amount of signal sent to the Effects Send jack | 21: Master Volume controls the total output level of the |
(#16) for each channel. | 22: Master Limit Indicator LED is lit when the limiting circuitry is |
6: Low controls for Channels 1 and 2 increase or decrease the | activated. (The limit circuit prevents the amplifier from clipping, or |
bass of the respective channel. | distorting.) Also, the LED indicates when the maximum undistorted |
7: High controls for Channels 1 and 2 increase or decrease the | power available has been attained. It is normal for this LED to flick- |
treble for the respective channel. | er on and off; however, it should not illuminate constantly. If it does |
8:0dB Input jacks for Channels 3 and 4 accept standard 1/4” so, reduce the Master Volume control (#21).
phone jacks, and are suitable for a signal source from synthesizers. | 23, 24: |
9: Low Z Input jack will accept a low impedance balanced input, | circuit which can be used as an extra effects loop, etc., thus adding |
such as a microphone, and may be used in conjunction with the | to the versatility of the |
High Z Input (#10). | connected to the input of the external device and the Line In jack |
10: High Z Input also provides Channel 2 with a 0dB balanced | (#24) should be connected to the output of the external device. |
input jack. It is suitable for a signal source from synthesizers. | 25: Power Indicator LED will be lit when the unit is turned on. |
11: Master EQ has seven bands and enables you to shape the | 26: Power Switch turns the AC power on and off. |
tonality of the | 27: Power Cord (rear panel, not shown): Your |
63Hz to 8kHz may be boosted by moving the sliders up or cut by | with a |
moving them down. | cord is properly plugged into a safely wired grounded 120 volt, |
12: EQ Peak Indicator LED will illuminate whenever the Master | 60Hz AC power outlet before use. (If your |
EQ section is within 10dB of clipping. To avoid clipping, reduce the | outside the United States, refer to the rear panel for power ratings.) |
amount of EQ boost or channel Gain. | For your safety, never attempt to defeat the ground connection on |
13: Line Out Level control belongs to a | this cord. |
which provides both an unbalanced and balanced output. The | 28:Speaker Output jacks (rear panel, not shown): Any load equal |
Level control will adjust the amount of gain for both output jacks and | to no less than 2 ohms may be connected to the speaker jacks. If |
is independent of the Master Volume (#21). | more than one jack is used, the total load must be no less than 2 |
14: Unbalanced Line Out jack is a high impedance line output | ohms. The standard internal speaker configuration is equal to 4 |
which will accept a standard 1/4” plug and is suitable for connect- | ohms. The speaker jacks are wired in parallel with the internal |
ing the | speakers, which means that an additional 4 ohm load may be con- |
15: Balanced Line Out jack a low impedance balanced output for | nected for a total of 2 ohms. (Please see “Important Note About |
connection to an external amplifier or mixer with balanced inputs. | Speaker Jacks” below.) |
I M P O R TA N T N O T E A B O U T S P E A K E R J A C K S :
In some areas 1/4” speaker jacks are not acceptable for use on amplifiers capable of high output power levels. For this reason the 1/4” jacks on your