RF Channel Screen
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To block a RF
channel, press
the key to the
right of that
channel in the
following list.
To unblock a
channel, press the
key to the left.
Press > to
RF Channel
From the “PROGRAM DEVICE” screen, press one of the menu buttons on either
side of the RF CHANNEL option. This option allows you to block or unblock the
available channels. The display, shown to the left, provides basic instructions.
This option is used only in the event that there is sensitive RF equipment within the
range of the MLX-2 that may be adversely affected by communication between the
MLX-2 and the CEN-RFGW-EX gateway.
Press h to continue. The display provides a listing of the available channels (11-26).
Use the i and h keys to scroll through the list of channels. Follow the screen
instructions to block/unblock a channel.
Channel Listing Screen
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You have selected
a channel already
in the desired
state, or the
maximum number of
blocked channels
has been reached.
Press > to
You have updated
the blocked RF
Press > to
PAGE 1/1
If you try to block or unblock a channel that is already in that state, the above message
appears. Press the h key to continue. When you have finished blocking channels, press
one of the buttons to either side of the SAVE option to accept the settings. The screen
display confirms the operation. Press the h key to return to the “PROGRAM
DEVICE” screen.
Refer to the latest version of the Best Practices for Installation and Setup of Crestron
RF Products (Doc. 6689) for details.
Factory Reset Procedure If it becomes necessary to perform a factory reset, such as when trying to acquire the
MLX-2 to a different network, do the following:
1. Remove one of the batteries.
2. Press and release any button.
3. Reinsert the battery - “INITIALIZING REMOTE CONTROL” appears on
the screen.
4. When the message goes away, simultaneously press and hold the 0 (zero)
and OK buttons.
5. Once the “INITIALIZING REMOTE CONTROL” message appears again,
release the buttons and wait for the setup screens.
The factory reset procedure resets all Setup mode options back to their default values.
Refer to “Configuring the MLX-2” on page 6.
Operations Guide – DOC. 6739B infiNET EX™ LCD Handheld Remote: MLX-2 • 11