Professional Automation Computer Crestron PAC2
If any errors are generated during programming, they will be displayed in the
Messages field. You can double-click a message for more information.
Once you have compiled the program files, you are ready to upload them to the
control system and user interfaces:
1. Click the Upload System button to poll the network and display the list
of target devices. If the control system and interfaces have been
detected on the network (and thus can receive files) they will be
checked off. If a project has not yet been compiled, or else if it has been
modified, check Automatically compile modified files to recompile the
project before upload.
2. You can double-click any device in the upload list to view or change its
connection settings. For example, if the PC is connected to the PAC2
via TCP/IP, then you would select TCP/IP as the connection type and
enter the IP address of the PAC2.
With touchpanels, various connection types are possible. If the panel is
connected to the PAC2, specify the type of connection between the PC and
the PAC2: Serial or TCP/IP.
24 • Professional Automation Computer: PAC2 Operations Guide – Doc. 5941