QuickMedia™ 3-Channel Amplifiers Crestron QM-AMP3x80 Series
C2Net-Device Slot in Configuration Manager
To incorporate an AMP3x80 into the system, drag the QM-AMP3x80 from the
Cresnet Control Modules | QM Series folder of the Device Library and drop it in
System Views. The QM-RMCRX system tree displays the QM-AMP3x80 in Slot 5,
with a default Net ID of 09 as shown in the following illustration.
NOTE: The first AMP3x80 in a system is preset with a Net ID of 09 when its
symbol is dragged into the upper pane of System Views. Additional units are assigned
different Net ID numbers as they are added.
C2Net Device, Slot 5
Setting the Net ID in Device Settings
Double-click the QM-AMP3x80 icon in the upper pane to open the “Device
Settings” window. This window displays QM-AMP3x80 device information. The
Net ID can be changed in this window using the Net ID tab, as shown in the
following figure.
“QM-AMP3x80 Device Settings” Window
NOTE: This procedure sets the Net ID for the AMP3x80 in the program only. It
does not automatically set the Net ID for the AMP3x80 itself. SIMPL Windows
automatically changes Net ID values of a device added to a program if a duplicate
device or a device with the same Net ID already exists in the program. Always
ensure that the hardware and software settings of the Net ID match. For Net ID
hardware setting details, refer to “Identity Code” on page 9.
18 • QuickMedia™ 3-Channel Amplifiers: QM-AMP3x80 Series Operations Guide – DOC. 6272