lease, SIP server expiration time 17 link LED 26
Linux, setting up a TFTP server on 29 local SIP port 17
mounting a speaker 25 Multicast 3
network configuration of speaker 12 network link activity, verifying 7 Network Setup 12
packet time 3 part number 3 parts
#8 fender washers 25 #8 nylon thumb nuts 25 #8 sheet metal screws 25
parts list 5 password
changing for web configuration access 14 for SIP server login 17
restoring the default 6, 10, 23 plastic ribbed anchors 25, 26 PoE Injector 6
port baud rate 3 power requirement 3
power, connecting to speaker 6 product
configuring 9 mounting 25 parts list 5
product features 2 product overview
product specifications 3 protocols supported 3
registration and expiration, SIP server lease 17 remote SIP port 17
server address, SIP 17 setting up a speaker 6 setting up a TFTP server 29 settings, default 23
SIP (session initiation protocol) 3 SIP Configuration 15
SIP configuration SIP Server 17 SIP registration 17
SIP servers supported 3 speaker configuration
default IP settings 9 speaker configuration page
configurable parameters 11, 12, 14, 17, 21 speaker operations, verifying 14
CyberData Corporation | 930095H | Operations Guide |