Thisqualityproductis warrantedto be freefrom manufacturer'sdefectsin materialandworkmanship,providedthatthe unitis usedunderthenormaloperating conditionsintendedbythe manufacturer.

Thiswarrantyis availableonlyto the personto whomthe unitwasoriginallysold byDanbyor byan authorizeddistributorof Danby,andisnon-transferable.


PIasticparts(ie.evaporatordoor,door rails,coversandtraysare warrantedforthirty(30)daysonlyfrom purchasedate,withno extensionsprovided.

FirstYearDuringthe firstyear(1), anyelectricalpartsof thisproductfoundto bedefective,includinganysealedsystemunits,willbe repairedor

replaced,at warrantor'soption,at no chargetothe ORIGINALpurchaserConsumableparts(ie.. lightbulbs)are notwarrantedor guaranteedforanylengthof time.

SecondThrough Duringthe nextfouryears (4)anypart ofthe sealedsystemfoundto be defective(consistingof compressor,condenser,evaporator,

FifthYeardryerand all relatedtubing)willbe replacedwithoutcharge. The purchasershallpayforaIIlaborandreturnfreightduringthis four year (4)periodfor repairor replacementof anysealedsystemcomponents.Any unitbeingdiagnosedas non-functionaldue to sealed systemfailureandwarrantingan exchangeduringtheexistingfour (4) yearswillbe subjectto an appropriatedepreciationoruserfee, includinganyandall freightchargesbeing leviedagainsttheconsumer.

ToObtainService Danbyreservesthe rightto limitboundariesof"ln HomeService"dueto the proximityof an AuthorizedServiceDepot.Any appliance requiringserviceoutsidethe LimitedBoundariesof "In HomeService",it will bethe customer'sresponsibilityto transportthe appliance to the closestAuthorizedServiceDepotat theirown expense.Contactyourdealerfromwhomyourunitwaspurchased,or contactyour nearestauthorizedDanbyservicedepot,whereservicemustbeperformedbya qualifiedservicetechnician.If serviceis performedon the unitsby anyoneotherthanan authorizedservicedepot,or the unit isusedforcommercialapplication,all obligationsof Danbyunder this warrantyshaltbeat anend.

ThefollowingcIauserefersto singleanddoubledoor refrigerators,suppliedwithorwithouta separatefreezersection. Nothingwithinthis warrantyshatlimply thatDanbywill be responsibleor liabIeforanyspoilageordamageto foodorother contentsof this appliance,whetherdueto anydefectof the appliance,or its use,whetherproperorimproper.


Saveas hereinprovided,DanbyProductsLimited(Canada)or DanbyProductsInc. (U.S.A.),thereare no otherwarranties,conditions,representationsor guarantees,expressor implied,madeorintendedby DanbyProductsLimitedorits authorizeddistributorsand all otherwarranties,conditions,representationsor guarantees,includinganywarranties,conditions,representationsorguaranteesunderanySaleof GoodsAct or Iikelegislationorstatueis herebyexpressIy excluded.Saveashereinprovided,DanbyProductsLimited(Canada)or DanbyProductsInc. (U.S.A),shallnot be responsiblefor anydamagesto personsor property,includingtheunititself,howsoevercausedor anyconsequentialdamagesarisingfromthe malfunctionof theunitandby thepurchaseof the unit,the purchaserdoesherebyagreeto indemnifyand saveharmIessDanbyProductsLimitedfromanyclaimfordamagesto personsorpropertycausedbythe unit.


No warrantyor insurancehereincontainedorsetout shallapplywhendamageorrepairis causedby anyof thefollowing:


2)Damageintransitorwhenmovingthe appIiance.


4)Accident,alteration,abuseor misuseof the appliancesuchasinadequateair circulationinthe roomorabnormaloperatingconditions, (extremelyhighorlowroomtemperature).

5)Useforcommercialor industrialpurposes.

6)Fire,waterdamage,theft,war,riot,hostility,actsof Godsuchas hurricanes,floodsetc.

7)Servicecalls resultingin customereducation.

Proofof purchasedatewinbe requiredforwarrantyclaims;so,pleaseretainbills of sale. tn the eventwarrantyserviceis required,presentthisdocumentto our










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Danby DAR1102W manual Oanby Limited Product Warranty

DAR1102W specifications

The Danby DAR1102W is a compact refrigerator designed to cater to the needs of those living in smaller spaces or requiring additional refrigeration options. With its sleek and modern white design, this refrigerator not only enhances the aesthetic of any room but also provides efficient storage solutions.

One of the standout features of the Danby DAR1102W is its impressive capacity, offering 11 cubic feet of storage space. This ample size allows users to store a significant amount of food and beverages without taking up too much space in the kitchen, dorm, or office. The interior is cleverly designed with adjustable shelves, allowing for customizable storage configurations to accommodate taller items or bulky containers.

The Danby DAR1102W uses energy-efficient technology, making it an environmentally friendly choice. The unit has received Energy Star certification, which means it meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. This not only helps reduce electricity costs but also minimizes the refrigerator's overall carbon footprint.

Another notable characteristic of the Danby DAR1102W is its reversible door feature. This allows for flexibility in placement, enabling users to adapt the refrigerator's positioning to fit their available space. Whether it's in a tight corner or between cabinets, the reversible door ensures that accessing your items is convenient.

The unit also boasts an adjustable thermostat, providing users with complete control over the internal temperature. This feature aids in maintaining the freshness of stored items, allowing for optimal preservation of perishable goods. Additionally, the built-in freezer section offers the convenience of frozen food storage without the need for a separate unit.

The fridge is equipped with integrated can and bottle storage in the door, maximizing storage efficiency while keeping beverages easily accessible. The interior lighting ensures that users can quickly view their contents, even in low-light conditions.

With its user-friendly features, modern design, and energy efficiency, the Danby DAR1102W stands out as a reliable and versatile choice for consumers looking for a compact refrigerator that doesn’t compromise on functionality or style. Whether it's for a small apartment, a college dorm, or an office space, this refrigerator meets the essentials of modern living seamlessly.