SANConfigurations 2-3
Figure 2-2. Example of Server Accessing Storage Systems Behind a
PowerVault 530F
Servers Accessing Storage Systems Directly and Behind a 530F SAN
Ensurethat each host server that is accessing storagesystems both directly and
througha PowerVault 530F SAN appliance,such as server in Figure 2-3, has the fol-
lowing software installed:
DellOpenManage Data Managed Node Data Agent (for 650F and 651F only)
DellOpenManage Storage Consolidation (for 650F,651F,and 660F)
DellOpenManage ATF (for 650F and 651F only)
QLogicQldirect (for 660F only)
DellOpenManage Array Manager (for 650F,651F,and 660F)
NOTE:The PowerVault530F SAN appliance comes with QLDirect, Dell OpenManage
ApplicationTransparent Failover(ATF), and Dell OpenManage ArrayManager pre-