Figure 2
Parts of the MH941 Scanner
Becoming familiar with the features of the MH941 scanner will help when
operating the scanner. The following illustration and list explain the pertinent
Laser Output Window The laser beam emits from this aperture.
Head Cable Ths cable is terminated with a 9-pin squeeze
The following functions are decoder /controller dependent.
Green LED When the green light flashes on, the scanner has
read the bar code successfully. When the green
light turns off, communication to the host is
Red LED When the red light is on, the scanner is ready to
ScanQuest™ Infrared The scanner has an energy saving feature known
Object Sensor as ScanQuest that senses when a specified time has
elapsed without any scanning. If the unit remains
dormant for this time, the laser and motor will turn
off. In this stage, the scanner’s computer is on
“stand by.” To reactivate the unit, wave an object in
front of the IR (infrared) sensor or pick up the
scanner and direct the scan window downwards.
When the red light comes on, the scanner is ready
to scan.