Avoid contact with splashes of water�
9. Pressthe button to confirm introduc-
tion of the solution� The light flashes
telling you to turn the steam knob�
10� Turn the steam knob to the I position
The descaling program starts and the desca-
ler liquid comes out of the cappuccino ma-
The descale program automatically performs
a series of rinses and pauses to remove lime-
scale deposits from inside the machine�
After about 30 minutes, the water tank is empty�
TheOK and lights come on and the
light flashes�
11� Empty the container used to collect the de-
scaler solution and replace it under the cap-
puccino maker�
12� Remove the water tank, empty, rinse under
running water, fill with clean water and repla-
ce� The light goes off�
13� Hot water comes out of the cappuccino ma-
14� When the water tank is completely empty,
is displayed�
15� Turn the knob to the 0 position, insert the
filter (if present), fill the water tank and the
appliance is ready for use�
settInG WAteR hARDness
The light is displayed after a period of time
established according to the water hardness set�
The machine is factory set for a hardness value
of 4� The machine can also be programmed ac-
cording to the hardness of the mains water in the
various regions so that the machine needs to be
descaled less often�
Measuring water hardness
1� Remove the “TOTAL HARDNESS TEST” indi-
cator paper attached to this manual from its
2� Immerse the paper completely in a glass of
water for one second�
3� Remove the paper from the water and shake
After about a minute, 1, 2, 3, or 4 red squares
form, depending on the hardness of the wa-
ter� Each square corresponds to one level�
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
set water hardness
1. PresstheP button to enter the menu�
2� Turn the selector knob until the light is
3� Confirm the selection by pressing the
4� Turn the selection knob and set the level
shown by the indicator paper (see previous
5. Pressthe button to confirm the setting�
6. Pressthe button to exit the menu�
The machine is now reprogrammed with the new
water hardness setting�
WAteR soFteneR FIlteR
Certain models are fitted with a water softener
filter� If this is not the case with your model, you
are recommended to purchase one from De’Lon-
ghi Customer Services�
To use the filter correctly, follow the instructions
Installing the filter
1� Remove the filter from the packaging�
2� Turn the date indicator disk (see fig� 30) until
the next 2 months of use are displayed�
Please note:
The filter lasts about two months if the appliance
is used normally� If the coffee maker is left unu-
sed with the filter installed, it will last a maximum
of three weeks�
3� Remove the tank from the appliance and fill
with water�
4� Insert the filter in the water tank and immer-
se it completely, sloping it to enable the air