When installing, carefully examine the place and method of installation for safety.
When using a stand, brackets, etc., follow the instructions included with the stand or brackets and check for safety
before installing and using. DENON will accept no responsibility for damages or accidents caused by the unit falling.
Cautions on Installation – Speaker System (SC-A76, SC-C76)
The sound quality produced from the speaker
system is affected by the size and type (Japanese
or Western) of the room, as well as by the method
of installation. Consider the points listed below
before installing the speaker system.
2Note that placing the speaker system on the same
stand or shelf as a record player may result in
2If there is a wall, glass door, etc., directly in front of
or behind the speaker system, cover the wall or door
with a thick curtain to prevent resonance and
2The speaker systems are of the low-leakage-flux
type and can be used near televisions, but
depending on the TV there may be color blotching
on the picture. If this happens, turn off the TV’s
power, wait 15 to 30 minutes, then turn the TV’s
power back on. The TV’s automatic degaussing
circuit should reduce the blotching on the picture. If
blotching persists, move the speaker further away.
2When placing the (SC-A76 and SC-C76 speaker
systems) on a stand, etc., stick the included anti-slip
pads (cork, approximately 1 mm thick) at the four
corners of the bottom surface. (Refer to the
illustration right.)
2When mounting the satellite speaker system (SC-
A76) on a stand or bracket,you can use M5 nuts
inserted into the bottom of the satellite speaker
system (SC-A76) at intervals of 60 mm. When
mounting, following the instructions in the manual
included with the speaker stand or ceiling mount
bracket, and be sure to install properly and securely.
CAUTIONS ON HANDLING[ Satellite speaker system ]
(illustration of bottom of SC-A76)
Anti-slip pads
[ Bottom ]
Speaker stand/speaker bracket mount screw holes
[ Rear ]
key hole hook