Captain Jack Sparrow is caught up
in another tangled web of supernatural intrigue:
It turns out Jack owes a blood debt
to the legendary Davy Jones, Ruler of the Ocean Depths,
who captains the ghostly Flying Dutchman.
Unless the
a cunning way out of this Faustian pact,
he will be cursed to an afterlife
of eternal servitude and damnation.
Use the +Control Pad to highlight an option, and press the A Button to select it. At any time, you can press the B Button to go back to the previous menu.
Single Player
Load a Game ...Select a save slot to continue play. Select an empty slot to begin a new game. Press the X Button to erase a previously saved game.
Host Wireless Game ... Allows you to act as host in the creation of a new game session. Once a game is created, other players can see your game and join in.
Join Wireless Game ... Searches for and displays a list of available games. Select a game using the touch screen to join.
Sound ... Allows you to adjust the effects and music volume.
Language ... Allows you to change your language selection. The default is based on the individual settings of your DS.
Credits ... Watch the credits sequence.
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