General precautions
To ensure correct operation, the user has to read this
instruction manual to make himself familiar with the
handling of the brushcutter. Insufficiently informed
users will risk danger to themselves as well as others
due to improper handling (1).
- It is recommended only to lend the brushcutter to
people who have experience with brushcutters. When
lending the brushcutter to someone else, give him this
Instruction Manual as well.
- First-time users should ask their dealer for basic
instructions, or contact a forestry school. To familiar-
ize yourself with the basic handling of
gasoline-powered brushcutting, start out with trim-
ming jobs before moving up to sawing.
- Children and persons under 18 years must not be
allowed to operate the brushcutter with metal cutting
tools (such as saw blades, steel bush cutter, star
blades etc.). Exceptions may be made for persons
over 16 for training purposes under the supervision of
a qualified trainer.
- Always use brushcutters with the utmost care and
- Operate the brushcutter only if you are in good phys-
ical condition. Perform all work calmly and carefully.
The user must accept liability for others.
- Never use the brushcutter after consumption of alco-
hol, drugs or medication (2).
Personal protective equipment
- The clothing worn should be functional and appropri-
ate, i.e. it should be tight-fitting but not cause hin-
drance. Do not wear either jewellery or clothing which
could become entangled with bushes or shrubs.
-In order to avoid head-, eye-, hand- or foot injuries
as well as to protect your hearing, the following
protective equipment and protective clothing must
be used during operation of the brushcutter:
- It is recommended to wear a protective helmet; it is
imperative when working in forests. The protective
helmet (1) should be checked at regular intervals for
damage and must be replaced after 5 years at the
latest. Use only approved protective helmets. If you
have long hair, always wear a hairnet!
- The face shield (2) of the protective helmut protects
against flying sawdust, wood chips or stone chip-
pings. During operation of the brushcutter always
wear goggles or a visor to prevent eye injuries.
- Wear adequate noise protection equipment to avoid
hearing impairement ( ear muffs (3), ear plugs etc.).
Octave brand analysis upon request.
- The forestry safety jacket (4) is equipped with spe-
cial red coloured shoulder parts. The arms and neck
should always be protected by clothing.
- The protective trousers (5) are made from a nylon
fabric with 22 layers and protects against cuts. We
strongly recommend its use. In any case, it is essen-
tial that a long pair of trousers made of tough material
be worn during operation of the brushcutter. Do not
wear short pants.
-Protective gloves (6) made of thick leather are part
of the prescribed equipment and must always be worn
during operation of the brushcutter.
-Safety shoes or boots (7) fitted with anti-skid sole,
steel toe caps and leg protection must always be
used. Safety shoes equipped with a protective layer
give protection against cuts and ensure a secure
footing. Do not wear sandals or go barefoot. 4