Spare parts
Reliable long-term operation, as well as the safety of your chain saw, depend among other things on the quality of the spare parts
used. Use only original DOLMAR parts, marked
Only original spare parts and accessories guarantee the highest quality in material, dimensions, function and safety.
Original spare parts and accessories can be obtained from your local dealer. He will also have the spare part lists to determine the
required spare part numbers, and will be constantly informed about the latest improvements and spare part innovations.
Please bear in mind that if parts other than original DOLMAR spare parts are used, this will automatically invalidate the DOLMAR
product guarantee.
DOLMAR guarantees the highest quality and will therefore reimburse all costs for repair by replacement of damaged parts resulting
from material or production faults occurring within the guarantee period after purchase. Please note that in some countries particular
guarantee conditions may exist. If you have any questions, please contact your salesman, who is responsible for the guarantee of
the product.
Please note that we cannot accept any responsibility for damage caused by:
• Disregard of the operator’s manual.
• Non-performance of the required maintenance and cleaning.
• Incorrect carburetor adjustment.
• Normal wear and tear.
• Obvious overloading due to permanent exceeding of the upper performance limits.
• Use of guide bars and chains which have not been approved.
• Use of guide bar and chain lengths which have not been approved.
• Use of force, improper use, misuse or accidents.
• Damage from overheating due to dirt on the fan housing.
• Work on the chain saw by unskilled persons or inappropriate repairs.
• Use of unsuitable spare parts or parts which are not original DOLMAR parts, insofar as they have caused the damage.
• Use of unsuitable or old oil.
• Damage related to conditions arising from lease or rent contracts.
• Damages caused by disregarding loose outer bolted connections.
Cleaning, servicing and adjustment work is not covered by the guarantee. All repairs covered by the guarantee must be performed
by a DOLMAR service center.
Malfunction System Observation Cause
Chain does not run Chain brake Engine runs Chain brake actuated.
Engine does not start or Ignition system Ignition spark Malfunction in fuel supply system, com-
only with difculty pression system, mechanical malfunction.
No ignition spark Switch on STOP, fault or short-circuit in the
wiring, plug cap or spark plug defective.
Fuel supply Fuel tank is lled Choke in wrong position, carburetor defective,
fuel lter dirty, fuel line bent or interrupted.
Compression Inside Cylinder base packing ring defective, radial
system shaft packings defective, cylinder or piston rings
Outside Spark plug does not seal.
Mechanical Starter does not engage Spring in starter broken, broken parts
malfunction inside the engine.
Warm start difculties Carburetor Fuel tank is lled Wrong carburetor adjustment.
Ignition spark
Engine starts, but Fuel supply Fuel tank is lled Wrong idling adjustment, fuel lter or
dies immediately carburetor dirty. Tank venting defective, fuel
line interrupted, cable defective, STOP switch
defective. Decompression valve dirty
Insufcient power Several systems Engine is idling Air lter dirty, wrong carburetor adjust-
may be involved ment, mufer clogged, exhaust channel in cylin-
simultaneously der clogged, spark arrester screen clogged.
No chain lubrication Oil tank/pump No oil on the chain Oil tank empty.
Oil guide groove dirty.
Oil-pump adjusting screw incorrectly adjusted.