Press SRCH for more than 3 seconds, to select between the
following modes:
• Direct File Select
• Alphanumeric File or Folder Search
• File or Folder Navigate
Press SRCH for more than 3 seconds, then release.
“MP3 T*" or “WMA T*” will flash in the display. Use the
buttons in the above table (3 keystroke maximum input),
or the rotary encoder to enter the desired file number.
Press to confirm the selected file number or wait for
the input cycle to time out (approximately 5 seconds).
If the file is not available, “NO FILE” will be displayed
momentarily and the current file will continue to play.
CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files
Direct Select, Search and 
Navigate Modes 
Direct File Select
Step 1
Step 2

Refer to the following button function table when selecting, searching or

navigating MP3/WMA files and folders:

MP3/WMA Button Function Table

Button  Function  

SRCH Direct Select, Search and Navigate Modes
Preset 1 A, B, C, 1
Preset 2 D, E, F, 2
Preset 3 G, H, I, 3
Preset 4 J, K, L, 4
Preset 5 M, N, O, 5
Preset 6 P, Q, R, 6
7 S, T, U, 7
8 V, W, X, 8
9 Y, Z, /, 9
0 -, _, +, 0
LOUD Character Shift
Rotate Rotary Encoder Character Select (A, B, C ~ 8, 9, 0)
MUTE Character Backspace