On the Edit Trail menu, press ↓ or ↑ to highlight the section you wish
to change, then press ENT. Make your changes, then press EXIT to erase
this menu. Related trail functions are discussed in further detail under
the Trails topic in Sec. 4, Advanced GPS Operations.
Units of MeasureThis menu sets the speed and distance (statute or nautical miles, me-
ters), depth (feet, fathoms, or meters), temperature (degrees Fahrenheit
or Celsius) and heading (true or magnetic) units. To change the units:
System Setup Menu, left, Units of Measure Menu, right.
To set Speed/Distance Unit of Measure: Press ↑ or ↓ to change the
Speed/Distance, then press ENT. After the option is set, press
EXIT|EXIT|EXIT to return to the page display.
To set Heading: Press ↑ or ↓ to change the heading type, then press
ENT. After the option is set, press EXIT|EXIT|EXIT to return to the page