Small minnows or
bait fish appear on the
dial as thin, pale lines.
they are tightly
schooled they may
cover a depth of from
five to ten feet on the
dial with a few pale
lines for individual.
minnows at the bottom
of the school. Your
will indicate
even a single minnow
30 feet beneath the
surface of the water.
Obviously, the back
of a big fish offers a
larger surface to re-
flect the signal than
the back of a small
fish. Consequently, yop
get a wider and
brighter signal on the
dial and, even though
you can't tell the exact
size of the fish from
the signal, it does give
you a good
clue so that
you can instantly
big ones from little
fiberglass and gel coat are
exposed. The transducer can
then be epoxied directly to
this outer layer. (See Figure
5.) When epoxy
is poured into
the hole and the transducer
into the epoxy, the hull
is still structurally rigid and
no weak points are made.
2. The chosen area should be in
the aft one-third of the hull
on planing
boats, and forward
of the engines and/or water
intakes in displacement
Water should flow
in this area and it should stay
in the water at all speeds.
3. Before permanently bonding
the transducer to the hull,
trial runs are recommended
to find the best mounting lo-
cation. Once an area has been
determined to be a good spot
for the transducer to be
mounted, add some water to
the area, and place the trans-
ducer in it face down. This
will eliminate air between the
face of the transducer and the
hull. Plug the
the unit and turn the depth
sounder on. Operate the boat
at all speeds
and move the
transducer until the best loca-
tion is found for maximum
reception and
minimum cavitation noise
(cavitation is caused by water
turbulence and shows
up as
narrow signals all around the
sonar dial.)
4. If the chosen area is void of
potential problems,
sand the
surface of the hull and the
face of the transducer with
100 grit sandpaper.
The sur-
face must be flat enough so
that the entire transducer
face is in contact with the
hull prior to bonding.
5. Build a small dam out of
caulking compound or model-
ing clay around the chosen
area of
the transducer. (Do
not use PLAY-DOll) (See
Figure 7.)
15 4


Fig. 19
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