Congratulations on taking the right steps to learn basic chain saw safety. Over the years, Echo has developed and
improved technology to increase the safety of chain saw use. However, chain saws are powerful cutting tools intended
to quickly cut trees and branches and to get the job done fast. Like other types of outdoor cutting and wood working
power equipment, the chain saw’s sharp, high-speed cutters require that you operate the saw carefully to avoid serious
or fatal injury.
You must read and understand the specific chain saw instruction manual, the Kick Guard® instructions and this safety
manual. Before operating your gasoline or electric chain saw, you must learn about the chain saw reactions, which can
occur when cutting. Unless noted, the safety rules presented apply to both gasoline and electric chain saws.
This manual describes the hazards and risks associated with cutting, trimming, felling, refueling and other activities
involving use of a chain saw. Many vital safety awareness tips are mentioned to help identify the dangers of using chain
saws, and to teach you the precautions to take to avoid injury. ECHO has also provided helpful information about cutting
techniques to make the tasks easier, more productive, and safer.
If you have any feelings that the tree removal or cutting task requires you to put yourself, your property, or others at risk,
please consider calling a professional to handle the job. Tree trimming and felling mishaps can cause serious or fatal
injury to you, others, and possible damage to property.
If you need a copy of a chain saw safety or instruction manual, have product questions, are unsure about the safe use
or maintenance of your saw, or would like to obtain a chain saw safety video, please visit our website at http://www.echo-
usa.com. You may also contact your local ECHO dealer, or contact ECHO directly at (800) 432-3246. The chain saw
safety video provides operational safety information and cutting demonstrations.


KEY SAFETY SYMBOLS AND MAJOR WARNINGS-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
KEY CHAIN SAW TERMS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
FORCES YOU MUST CONTROL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
KICK GUARD® INSTALLATION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
CONDITIONS WHICH MAY REQUIRE REMOVAL OF KICK GUARD®-------------------------------------10
OPERATING SAW WITH KICK GUARD® DEVICE --------------------------------------------------------------- 11
OPERATING SAW WITHOUT KICK GUARD® DEVICE--------------------------------------------------------- 12
ADDITIONAL SAFETY DEVICES TO REDUCE KICKBACK ---------------------------------------------------14
OPERATOR SAFETY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
KEY SAFETY AND RISK PREVENTION GUIDELINES --------------------------------------------------------- 19
RULES FOR SAFE FUELING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
SAFE WOOD CUTTING PRACTICES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
PINCHING, BINDING & SPLITTING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
PRUNING SHADE TREES AND CUTTING SAPLINGS ---------------------------------------------------------26
FELLING TREES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
LIMBING AND BUCKING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29
FELLING VERY LARGE TREES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
BOW SAW WARNING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32
ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW SAFETY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
GLOSSARY OF CHAIN SAWING DEFINITIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Before using your saw, read this Safety Manual and your chain saw instruction manual carefully. You
must completely understand and follow all safety rules, precautions, and operating instructions.
Echo recommends that you obtain and review the supplemental ECHO Chain Saw Safety Video.