file server, is using the correct network frame type, and so
You may also want to use the NetWare PCONSOLE
program to verify that:
A NetWare print server and one, two or three
print queue(s) have been created on the file
server. The number of print queues created is
equal to the number of printer port of your
Printer 0 (or Printer 1, Printer 2) on the print
server is serving the new print queue(s).
The print queue(s) and print server have the
right permissions and notification settings.
For more detailed information, consult your
NetWare manual.
5.2.2 Installation Using PSETUP Configuring as Print Server Mode
For more complex setup needs, you can use the
PSETUP program in conjunction with the NetWare
PCONSOLE program.
The installation procedure is as follows:
1. From a workstation, log in to your NetWare
server as SUPERVISOR.
2. Run the PSETUP program included on the CD-
ROM. ( Ex. e:\dosutil\psetup.exe )