Wirel ess LAN AP Conf igurati on
Parameter Description
Enable Rad ius
Server Select t o enabl e the R ADIUS s erver .
User Pr ofile t able
This tabl e recor ds th e accou nts of users
you want to all ow to acces s your
wireless networ k. An accoun t inclu des
the “User name” and “ Passwor d”. A
wireless LAN user has to enter correct
“User name” an d “Pass word” b efore
he/she is allow ed to access the wi reless
Add an user
Fill in the “Username”, “Pas sword” and
“Re-T ype Pass word” of the n ew
account to be ad ded and the n cli c k
“Add”. Then this new account will be
added i nto the ac cou nt tabl e belo w. If
you find any t ypo befor e addi ng it and
want to r etype again. J ust cl ick “R eset”
and “Us ername” , “Pass word” a nd “Re-
Type Password” fields will be cleared.
Remove us er
account from th e
If you want t o remove so me account
from the table, s elect the ac count s you
want to r emove i n the table and then
click “D elete S electe d”. If you want
remove all user accounts fro m the
table, j ust cli ck “Del ete A ll” butt on.
Reset Click “Reset” will clear your current