Press t he Poin t ◄► b uttons to swi tch On/O ff. Thi s
function decides to display On-Screen Displays.
On............. Show all the On-Screen Displays.
Use this function when you want
to proje ct images after the lamp
becomes bright enough. Factory
default setting is this mode.
Countdown off . . . Show the input image instead of
the countdown when turning on
the projector. Use this function
when yo u wa nt to proj ect the
image as early as possible even
when the lamp is not bright
Off............. Do not show On-Screen Displays,
● On-Screen Menu
● "Power off?" message (p.19)
● P-Timer
● "No signal" message for Power management item
● "Please wait..." message
● Arrows for panning mode (p.32)
Logo select
This function decides the start-up display as follows:
User. .. . the image you captured
Default. . the factory-set logo
Off .. . . . countdown only
Logo (Logo and Logo PIN code lock settings)
This function allows you to customize the screen logo
with Logo select, Capture, and Logo PIN code lock
When On is selected in Logo PIN code lock
funct ion, Logo sel ect and C aptu re fu nctio ns
cannot be selected.
Logo select