52 electrolux

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Electrolux'ün Electrolux, AEG-Electrolux, Progress markalý mamulleri için verdiði garanti, aþaðýdaki durumlarda geçerli olmaz.

Kullanma Kýlavuzunda belirtilen talimatlarýn dýþýndaki kullanýmlar,

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Mamulü; uygun olmayan elektrik tesisatýnda veya kullanýlmasý öngörülen voltaj dýþýnda kullanma,

Gereken onarým için Yetkili Servise baþvurmadan önce Electrolux Yetkili Servis Personeli dýþýnda bir kimsenin cihazýn onarýmýna, bakýmýna veya tadiline kalkýþmýþ olmasý durumlarýnda,

Yukarýda belirtilen maddeler kapsamýnda olan arýzalar ücret karþýlýðý yapýlýr.

Arýzalarýn giderilmesi konusunda uygulanacak teknik yöntemlerin tesbiti ve deðiþtirilecek parçalarýn saptanmasý tamamen firmamýza aittir.

Garanti Belgesi üzerinde tahrifat yapýldýðý mamul üzerindeki orijinal seri numarasý kaldýrýldýðý veya tahrip edildiði taktirde bu belge hükümden düþer.

Garanti Belgesi'nin geçerlilik süresi 3 yýldýr ve onay tarihi esas alýnarak her yýl vize edilir. Geçerlilik süresinin dolmasýna müteakip 3 ay içerisinde vizesi yaptýrýlmayan belgeler geçersiz sayýlýr. Belgesi iptal edilen veya geçersiz sayýlan imalatçý ve / veya ithalatçýlara ayný ürün için 6 ay süre ile yeni belge tanzim edilemez.


ÜNVANI: ELECTROLUX Dayanýklý Tüketim Mamulleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Þ.

MERKEZ ADRESÝ: Tarlabaþý Cad.No : 35 34437 Taksim / ÝSTANBUL

TELEFONU: 0 212 293 10 20 (Pbx)

FAX: 0 212 251 60 94 www.electrolux.com.tr

Ürününüz ile ilgili teknik sorunlarýn oluþmasý halinde bölgenizde size en yakýn Yetkili servisimiz ile irtibat kurabilmeniz için Tüketici Danýþma Merkezimizi arayýnýz



Lütfen Yetkili servisimizi aramadan önce aþaðýdaki bilgileri hazýrlayalým.

1.Ýsim ve adres bilgisi

2.Telefon numaranýz

3.Arýzanýn tam olarak tanýmlanmasý

4.Model-üretim numarasý ve seri numara bilgisi (Ürün üzerindeki etikette mevcut)

5.Satýn alma tarihi.

*Unutmayýnýzki hizmetinizi garantili olarak yaptýrabilmeniz için faturanýzý ve diðer tüm servis hizmetlerine ait dokümanlarý Yetkili Servis'e ibra etmek zorundasýnýz.

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Electrolux ENB 43693 X user manual Ýmalatçi / Ýthalatçi Fýrmanin

ENB 43693 X specifications

The Electrolux ENB 43693 X is a modern built-in refrigerator designed to meet the needs of contemporary kitchens while maximizing space efficiency and functionality. Offering a sleek stainless-steel finish, this refrigerator not only enhances the aesthetics of your kitchen but also provides robust performance and durability.

One of the standout features of the ENB 43693 X is its advanced cooling technology. It utilizes the No Frost system, which eliminates the need for manual defrosting. This technology ensures even temperature distribution throughout the fridge, preventing ice buildup and maintaining optimal humidity levels. As a result, your food stays fresher for longer while minimizing the risk of spoilage.

The refrigerator has an impressive total storage capacity, making it ideal for families and individuals alike. Its spacious interior is thoughtfully organized, featuring adjustable glass shelves that accommodate various food items and maximize the available space. Additionally, the integrated crisper drawers are designed to keep fruits and vegetables fresh by maintaining the right humidity levels, ensuring that your produce lasts longer and tastes better.

Energy efficiency is another critical attribute of the Electrolux ENB 43693 X. With its A++ energy rating, this refrigerator is designed to consume minimal power without compromising performance. This feature not only helps reduce your energy bills but also makes an environmentally friendly choice that contributes to sustainable living.

The intuitive control panel allows for easy temperature adjustments, giving users full control over their refrigerator's performance. The LED lighting illuminates the interior, making it easy to find items even in low light conditions. Plus, the reversible door feature adds versatility in installation, allowing you to fit the refrigerator into your kitchen layout seamlessly.

In terms of additional technologies, the ENB 43693 X is equipped with a MultiFlow system, which circulates cool air throughout the fridge to maintain an even temperature. This feature is especially beneficial for food preservation, ensuring that every corner of the refrigerator receives consistent cooling.

In summary, the Electrolux ENB 43693 X is a feature-rich built-in refrigerator that combines style, efficiency, and cutting-edge technology. With its spacious design, energy-saving capabilities, and user-friendly controls, it stands out as an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their kitchen appliances.